TL;DR: Harnessing Entrepreneurial Rage
How to control the fire inside to fuel your business ideas
Welcome to TL;DR. This is where we take a post from The Technician’s MBA and summarise the key points in less than 1000 words. The main post will contain more information regarding the points we highlight, and perhaps more than we summarise here; however we want to give you a quick read that can help peak your interest for those times you where you only have a few minutes to spare.
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Words: 678
Approx. Reading Time: 3-5 minutes
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Harnessing Entrepreneurial Rage
Sometimes the most powerful source of motivation and inspiration for a business idea - both for start-ups and within larger businesses - can come from the feeling of being fed up and deciding: Enough is enough!
The problem with this Entrepreneurial Rage is whilst it is a powerful source of business fuel, left uncontrolled it can burn too hot and too wild; causing your business to suffer and the idea not to succeed. Here is how you can harness that rage to fuel your growth
Write the problem down
On a sheet of paper, whiteboard, or any such solution, write the problem you are facing. Do it with the emotion and frustration that you feel towards the problem in front of you.
Write why it is an issue
Now, underneath this, write why this is a problem. Through doing this you start breaking down the issues, which especially for large scale problems, help you to identify paths and solutions.
Write the benefits of solving this problem
Right now, you have a rant – we want to turn this rant into an opportunity, which we can do by identifying benefits from solving this problem.
Sleep on it
There are very few problems that require us to take immediate actions. We always have more time than we think. take that time. You captured the key points whilst the passion was at its hottest, now it is time to think like a business leader and form a plan, or shelve the idea for another day.
Read the statements and make a plan
Now, think like the leader you are, or you want to be, and make a plan that can be actioned. At this stage it doesn’t need to be the most detailed business plan in the world, but it needs to be enough that you can start showing to people and getting second opinions.
Talk it through with key people
Every viable, solvable, and deliverable problem should benefit more than you. Now it is critical to talk this problem through with key people who can help you identify things you may have missed, or whether this is a viable course of action to take. Speak with passion, not anger, and look for a range of viewpoints (both positive and negative); don’t blindly ignore or blindly follow what other people say. Seek alternative/additional points of view to make a better decision.
Start taking action 🙂
With a sense check and a plan in place it is time to start taking action. Prioritise only the key features for now, so you can test your solution early. This may accrue “tech debt” however you want to make sure that you are actually providing the value that you expected.
Review, refine, repeat 😀
The last step is to make sure your plan remains valid, you provide the value you are looking for, and you are making progress. If you aren’t, or you have learned things along the way that require a different approach, never be afraid to make alterations. In the worst case, you might realise that this doesn’t provide the value or solution you thought; in those cases never be afraid to reassess and stop if necessary.
You must not let the rage blind your better business judgement, use the rage like fuel to fire, but you must be able to control it otherwise that rage can lead to avoidable mistakes. Actions taken in anger are never going to be well thought through, or as good, as calm decisions made with reason and judgement. Use these steps to guide this process.
Sometimes you will be able to make things better, sometimes you won’t; however, the key thing is never to be so blinded by your frustration that you can’t see if something isn’t working. Success and failure are both end states for this journey; with failure often more likely that success. It doesn’t mean you never will succeed, or than you haven’t made changes for the better; but you will have learned from doing, and you almost certainly have achieved more than by doing nothing.
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